These emotions had been passed down from generations before. I can face them and let them go as not mine.
Kathryn, Kansas City, Retired
Healing A Transgenerational Trauma.
March 6, 2021My experience with Delia has been transformational. I had been experiencing shoulder and neck pain for a while. After working with Delia and Distance Healing, I was able to uncover some emotional issues that I had been carrying with me for years. These emotions had been passed down from generations before and I did not …
Awareness Of Emotions Impacting My Body.
August 16, 2020I have tried Long-Distance Healing with Delia twice in the past couple of months. Both times have been incredibly powerful and healing experiences. Each time, I developed my awareness of emotions impacting my body. During the sessions, I felt extremely relaxed and connected to Delia, who guided me with undivided attention and exquisite care. Once …
I know that whenever I have a session with Delia, my body has felt much better afterwards and immediately free of pain.
G. Célestin, Dancer, New York, NY.
Back, Leg, Knee Issues.
August 16, 2020I had a Long-Distance Healing session with Delia recently for lower back and leg/knee issues. Delia was very thorough in explaining the process of this long-distance format which put me at ease and allowed me to understand and know what to expect. During the session, I felt very relaxed and experienced an instant connection with Delia. …
I could feel that my body had relaxed in places where there was previously tension.
Whitney, Financial Analyst, New York, NY
Meditations And Visualizations To Relax My Body.
August 16, 2020During the Long-Distance Healing session I felt a great connection with Delia. For me, the most powerful thing about the experience was the fact that she led me through various meditations and visualizations that had a strong impact on my body and that I have since been able to return to on my own with …
Delia held a safe space for me to expand my awareness of my emotions, physical sensations and energy.
Eva Perrotta, LMT, Paris, France
I Felt Deeply Restored And My Heart Was Open.
August 16, 2020I have been seeing Delia for CranioSacral Therapy regularly in NY and recently received two sessions of Long Distance Healing with her. After being in lock down for such a long time and craving healing physical contact, one of the most powerful experiences for me was to sense her touch through a distance. My body …
After my first Long-Distance Healing session, I had 25 days of no bleeding, which was such a relief to experience again.
Genevieve, Home Maker, New York, NY
Hormone Balancing.
August 16, 2020I found Delia a year ago, initially to help my son. She investigated and treated, with Manual Therapy, a neck injury which turned out to have both physical and anxiety-based causes and effects. Soon after, my daughter and I both became clients. I consider myself to be extremely open-minded and an advocate of natural forms …
If you are already an advanced practitioner of the healing arts, Delia's range will meet yours, which is a real gift.
Katherine Macomber Millman, LMT, Port Townsend, WA
If You Are An Advanced Practitioner Of Healing Arts.
August 16, 2020Delia’s work is impeccable. I have done a lot of body-centered, internal self-work over the course of many years: my system is pretty sensitive, and I’m fairly fluid in navigating my inner terrain. So when I get to a place that feels like a slippery fish, and I can’t really stay present to my process, …
I was able to make some connections and discoveries that I have been working to find for the last two years.
Ezra Goh, New York, NY
Mind And Body Responding More Readily Than An In-Person Session.
August 16, 2020I am a dancer and movement teacher. I have a pretty strong awareness of my body. I had one session with Delia in person before the COVID-19 Pandemic happened. I would say that I entered into this Long-Distance Healing experience with a fair bit of skepticism, though I was open to being wrong. I was …
The treatment was so relaxing I felt as if I had a mini vacation. I was amazed that after one session with her my headache went away!
Lynda, painter
Metabolic Pain
January 18, 2016I suffer from a metabolic-type pain that sometimes includes debilitating headaches that wake me up very early in the morning. I had previously tried acupuncture and massage which unfortunately did nothing to alleviate the pain so I decided to try a different approach. During the session with Delia I was impressed that she could sense …
In my experience Delia's work has proven incredibly effective and profound.
Mary, Licensed Massage Therapist
January 17, 2016I have referred several friends to Manual Therapy NYC. Delia is a highly skilled practitioner in a multitude of massage modalities and beyond. In my experience her work has proven incredibly effective and profound. Delia creates an environment that facilitates an almost immediate deep trust between clinician and recipient. During my second and third visits, …