Your body is highly intelligent and self-balancing. However, sometimes the body does not fully heal. Using a non-invasive touch, Delia enters into a dialog with your body, mind and spirit.
What Can Manual Therapy Do For Me?
Manual Therapy opens pathways in your body. The inner flow of information and energy resumes. You are free to be yourself again.
How Does My Body Get Tight?
Connective tissue is the real “space organizer” of your body. When you experience too much stress, your connective tissue gets stiff and your body gets sore. This pain is a wake up call that something needs attention.
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a preventive as well as a curative technique. It addresses the body’s anatomy and function as well as the emotions.
Somato Emotional Release
Emotions play a large role in the development of physical pain and the healing process of the body. Somato Emotional Release promotes the letting go of past traumas.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation is used to restore the natural movements of vital organs of the body. Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy using a pressure that is light to moderate.
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