A Path To Accepting And Peaceful Living Together
January 29, 2017Build bridges, not walls. Respect existence or expect resistance. Polarity and tension are at the core of human experience. They might even be the very reason we incarnate: to move through duality and achieve a wiser perspective. While we are on this path, discord is stressful. It creeps in, invades our mind and eventually colonizes our …
Unbounded Confidence
April 2, 2014Unbounded Confidence I dare to say that we have all enjoyed the return of Spring, strolling in the street, basking in the first rays of a warmer sun at a terrace, relishing in the longer days. It’s Spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, …
Ready for a New Beginning ?
May 12, 2013Spring, the season of renewal, of buds and grass shoots finally revealing their little heads, is crucial for the liver and its partner, the gallbladder. Why? During winter, we tend to eat heavier meals to ward off the cold. In our lifestyle, as in nature, we tend to slow down to conserve energy. But …
Did You Know Detox Could Be So Enjoyable?
March 9, 2013The smoothest way to be ready for the spring Many great traditions have inscribed decluttering and spring cleaning on their calendar. It comes with a religious significance and it certainly has a biological relevance: detox and prepare the body for the next phase of Nature’s cycle: growth and expansion. CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation …