What Can You Expect In A Session?


Manual therapy is a gentle noninvasive hands-on therapy performed on a massage table. This approach supports the body to allow its natural healing process to bring you back to vibrant health. Manual Therapy includes techniques such as Craniosacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release and Visceral Manipulation. Delia’s work is enhanced by her extensive knowledge and practice of massage, Reiki and meditation.

Manual Therapy aims to address the primary cause of the pain and gain lasting results. Often this can lead to focus away from the location of the pain itself to resolve the underlying cause. Each session alleviates restrictions to restore inner flow. As a result, the entire body is integrated towards seamless communication and better ”team work”. The nervous and endocrine systems orchestrate more efficiently. Blood and lymph circulation are facilitated. All tissues relax, while their nutrition delivery and detoxification improve.

Delia’s touch ranges from light with manual therapy and energy work to deep with massage and deep tissue techniques, according to your body’s need.


Download intake form to complete before your first visit.








I’m in my mid 30s and have suffered from migraines for over a decade. I prefer to avoid medication and regularly seek out body care such as massage and acupuncture. My first craniosacral treatment was a revelation: I felt that my body was learning from Delia how to heal itself rather than a quick fix that medication might provide without addressing the underlying tension and misalignment that cause my headaches. During treatments from Delia, I can feel my body, especially my neck and suboccipital muscles, release, and I experience weeks of relief after a treatment. Delia is a true healer and I feel lucky to have found her. I rely on regular treatments from Delia and a trusted acupuncturist to remain mostly pain-free and healthy.  – Marley, Digital Publishing Executive

Digestive system

Thank you so much for your thorough, patient work with me. I am so grateful for the gentleness and wisdom with which you were able to treat me when I was in such acute pain. It was a true relief. My organ and digestive functions are so much better! I could enjoy watermelon and tomatoes for the first time in four years this summer. Mostly, thank you for giving me the encouragement and tools to heal. – Jessica, Dancer with irritable bowel syndrome

Chronic and functional pain

I suffer from a metabolic-type pain that sometimes includes debilitating headaches that wake me up very early in the morning. I had previously tried acupuncture and massage which unfortunately did nothing to alleviate the pain so I decided to try a different approach. During the session with Delia I was impressed that she could sense the subtlest disturbances in the functioning of my inner organs. She also has such a calming presence and the treatment itself was so relaxing I felt as if I had a mini vacation. Better yet, I was amazed that after one session with her my headache went away! — Lynda, painter


I went to see Delia during my sixth month of pregnancy, after a long transatlantic flight. I wanted to alleviate some of the back issues I was dealing with and get my body back into order. Her gentle but deep manipulation of the sore points and her attention to my baby felt amazingly intuitive and effective. The session was soothing and I definitely felt lighter and more relieved as a result. I went for another session before another long flight, and it had the same effect. I only wish I was in New York for regular sessions with Delia for the rest of my pregnancy.  – Anja Mutic, Travel Writer (www.everthenomad.com)



Body and Mind

I have referred several friends to Manual Therapy NYC. Delia is a highly skilled practitioner in a multitude of massage modalities and beyond. In my experience her work has proven incredibly effective and profound. Delia creates an environment that facilitates an almost immediate deep trust between clinician and recipient. During my second and third visits, we did some very intense emotional work that relieved physical symptoms that I have been struggling with for years. Not only has her work brought me pain relief and relief of numbness and tingling in my arms/hands, it has also brought me a renewed sense of wholeness in mind/body/spirit. Delia is truly a gift.  – Mary, Licensed Massage Therapist


For the past few years I have been dealing with the residual effects of a traumatic heartbreak. After only 3 sessions, Delia’s gentle, non-invasive treatment helped me to release much of my anger, sadness, doubt, and resentment. I felt relieved, peaceful, both lighter and more grounded, like there was space in my body and mind.  -Dawn, Writer and Editor


I came to Delia at a time when I desperately needed healing. Not only did she provide a safe place to be as real and as true as I possibly could be, she did not judge a thing I said. She provided comfort, an open heart, and opened me up to experiencing life on a higher level. I truly felt healed after each session. I would recommend her gentle but powerful work to anyone. – Jessica, Writer and Editor


Mindfulness and listening to the messages of my body (in my terms, “guts”) are things that were brought to my attention in session with you.  Once we become aware, it is increasingly difficult to ignore the signs.  The fact that you are sparing of words has helped me to accept the new.  Like many cerebral people, I have a tendency to overthink the simple.  And I have often been stubborn and resistant to change.   Not anymore.  You have a genuine and rare gift for healing and bringing people to themselves.  And you have my everlasting gratitude and admiration.  – Michele, Traveler


 Manual Therapy NYC Office


What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on, non-invasive manual therapy. This full body approach uses minimal pressure to avoid the natural guarding effect of the body. The low pressure is designed to be respectful and negotiate with the body.

The CraniosSacral system are the protective layers surrounding of the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain and the spine. CranioSacral Therapy releases tensions in and around the CranioSacral system.

In the body, there’s a rhythm called the CranioSacral rhythm, which is separate and distinct from the breathing rate and the heart beat. This rhythm is driven by the ebb and flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system and can be felt everywhere in a healthy body. When the rhythm gets affected, due to physical or emotional reasons, it leads to health issues.

CranioSacral Therapy addresses anatomy and function as well as the emotions. In other words, CranioSacral Therapy bolsters every aspect of your health: it releases muscles and fascia, supports the immune and circulatory systems, releases physical and emotional pains and dysfunctions. Clients often wonder at the end a session: “Why didn’t I do this earlier?”


How is CranioSacral Therapy done?

I conduct a CranioSacral Therapy session on a comfortably padded treatment table. While the client is lying down, I lay my hands and feel for the CranioSacral rhythm on the body. In particular, I am attentive to where there is a lack of this rhythm. By treating those areas, I help restore the rhythm to the entire body and address the source of the problem rather than just the symptoms.


Who benefits from CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral is a preventive as well as curative technique. Therefore, it can benefit almost everybody at anytime. CranioSacral Therapy has proven efficient in many puzzling cases for which other modalities could not offer improvement. CranioSacral Therapy has been proven effective with headache, TMJ syndrome, neck and back pain, the debilitating effects of stress and insomnia, vertigo, tinnitus, sciatica and other neuralgia.

The gentle, soft touch used for a CranioSacral session, often between 1 and 5 grams (about the weight of a nickel), makes it safe for the elderly or children and infants. CranioSacral has success with issues originating in utero, during birth or in early age. CranioSacral Therapy helps sensory integration, learning and behavior difficulties. CranioSacral Therapy has also proven very efficient in easing the challenges of autism.


A brief history of CranioSacral Therapy.

CranioSacral therapy was developed by DR John E.Upledger (1932-2012), on the foundational work of the fathers of osteopathy: Andrew Taylor Still and William Sutherland. John Upledger D.O. was a professor of biomechanics at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University from 1975 to 1983.



What is Somato Emotional Release?

Somato Emotional Release (SER) was pioneered by Dr Upledger and is one of the many offspring of CranioSacral Therapy. Dr Upledger developed this form of therapy as the result of years of documentation and clinical experience. He observed that emotions are not confined to the brain, the heart or hidden in silences. They have a profound impact on the body, health and general well-being.


During any bodywork session, when the physical release happens, let’s say a muscle relaxing from a spasm, images or emotions associated with the physical pain or trauma might arise. In this case, the physical healing process is helped by allowing the emotional healing to occur at the same time. In Somato Emotional Release, therapeutic imagery and dialogue are used to facilitate the necessary release of the body’s memory. The session enlists the support of the person’s Inner Physician or any other aspect of their body and belief system. Then full healing can finally occur. The recovery time is significantly cut down for you to return to fully enjoying life.


Somato Emotional release has also proven helpful to transform life patterns. Many people come at a period of transition, i.e., wanting to change careers or at the end of a relationship. Other clients come to a session aware of a particular situation or behavior they wish to change. Unfortunately, their best intentions and efforts have not been enough and they seem caught in an endless and discouraging loop. Somato Emotional Release helps them connect the dots and make the change happen, sometimes with only a couple of sessions.


To go deeper

The knowledge of the body-emotion connection is not exactly new. Chinese medicine and acupuncture have documented this interaction for thousands of years. Popular language has recorded it in expressions such as:

–       I can feel it on my gut.

–       It makes my skin crawl.

–       A lump in my throat.

More recently, Dr Upledger and Jean-Pierre Barral Do have refined this understanding with their published clinical work. While love and happiness are uplifting and pleasurable, stress, frustration and anxiety are experienced as uncomfortable and they are known to reduce the body’s ability to heal.


In his book Somato Emotional Release and Beyond, Dr Upledger proposes a metaphor of organs being like filters. When we experience a strong emotion, a specific organ is in charge of appropriately filtering, discarding or retaining the emotion for the person to be able continue to function. In your car, when the oil filter becomes full of dirt, it is necessary to replace it. If you only change the oil, the fresh oil would soon be polluted by the old filter and spoiled. In this model, the liver is a common filter for anger and frustration, lungs retain grief, kidneys hold fear and anxiety, the spleen remembers guilt, the heart, the master of the house, is vulnerable to betrayal and is protected by the pericardium. This heart protector is very diligent and may even over protect and suffocate the heart when it becomes overzealous. So, we must address the emotional filter as well as the physical issues to achieve total recovery.


Emotions matter for the healing process of the body. They also have a huge say in the type of future a person can build for themself. We have all experienced this simple fact: our emotions and feelings are determined by our past experiences. Then we use these emotions and feelings as essential information to construct our thinking and determine our future actions. We create a future based on the past. Not surprisingly, more often than not, the future is only more of the past.


Somato Emotional Release is a therapeutic process initiated by the client. It may reveal unconscious patterns and dynamics. SER promotes the letting go of past trauma and the healing of mysterious issues and challenging situations. When the person is finally free from these emotional hurdles, a new and different life can be designed.


Additional Resources: See the Resources Section for additional information.


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